
How a Podiatrist Near You Diagnoses Plantar Warts

Your feet go through a great deal of wear and tear as they support the weight of your body. Feet may become injured, strained, or develop odd growths. That's why it is essential to have a quality podiatrist that you can count on when you develop issues such as plantar warts in Manteno, IL. Dr. Elizabeth Hofmeister and Dr. Rebecca Hodulik are your trusted foot specialists at Prairie Rock Foot and Ankle Clinic. They have the expertise to properly diagnose and treat these warts, as well as a variety of other conditions.

What Are Plantar Warts?

The human papillomavirus (HPV) can cause these stubborn growths on the soles of your feet. They show up in the form of black dots, which result from tiny clotted blood vessels. This condition may occur due to improper foot drying or walking barefoot and contracting the virus from an affected area.

Make sure you keep your footwear, such as your socks and shoes, completely dry. Therefore, if you have sweaty feet or have gone out in the rain, don't put them back on before they have completely dried. A moist environment breeds warts!

Always eat a balanced nutritional diet, and get proper sleep. A proper diet can also prevent plantar warts in Manteno, IL, from occurring. 

How Does a Podiatrist Diagnose Them?

If warts develop on your feet, make an appointment with Dr. Hofmeister and Dr. Hodulik as soon as possible. Be careful about touching the area, as warts can be contagious. Your podiatrists will examine the affected area and take a skin sample. Once they confirm you have these types of warts, they can begin treatment.

What Is Treatment Like?

Some foot doctors use topical solutions like salicylic acid to illuminate the warts over several weeks. Liquid nitrogen can also freeze the words off, thanks to cryotherapy. Dr. Hofmeister and Dr. Hodulik have the latest technology to remove these warts. Warts are not easy to remove as they may have roots deep down into your foot. Luckily, your local doctors at Prairie Rock Foot and Ankle Clinic have access to SWIFT, which uses microwave technology to target and eliminate plantar warts.

Contact Us for More Information from a Podiatrist Near You

You don't have to live with warts or other foot issues that can be unsightly, smelly, or painful. When you make an appointment with Dr. Hofmeister and Dr. Hodulik, your feet are in the hands of trusted foot doctors who can treat various issues with the latest technology. If you suspect plantar warts in Manteno, IL, make an appointment at Prairie Rock Foot and Ankle Clinic by calling (815) 468-7117 today.

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